....May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent me and have loved them even as You loved me....John 17: 23As a learning community brought together in faith and the Marian tradition, we aim to be agents of Christ's vision and values to create a school culture where everyone feels welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged.The OLW community recognises and endeavours to develop the potential of each child through the four school pillars of Faith, Learning, Community and Diversity.We communally express our faith through:
As a learning community brought together in faith and the Marian tradition, we aim to be agents of Christ's vision and values to create a school culture where everyone feels welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged.
The OLW community recognises and endeavours to develop the potential of each child through the four school pillars of Faith, Learning, Community and Diversity.
We communally express our faith through:
Parents and Carers are always welcome to celebrate with us.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Our Lady of the Way Primary School (2025)