Meet our Support Staff



Chloe Hahne

What is your role at the school and how long have you been a part of the team/OLW?

I am the Student Welfare Officer. I've worked at OLW since 2020, my first 2.5 years were in the classroom as a school officer, before I moved into the role of Student Welfare.

What do you love most about your job? 

I love the connections and relationships I get to make with the students. My role provides a unique opportunity to help students grow, while providing them a safe person they can trust to help them when faced with social and emotional challenges.

What do you enjoy the most about working at OLW? What makes our school community special to you? 

As a small school, we have the privilege of getting to know every member of our community, both staff and students.

Can you share a memorable moment/experience you have had while working at OLW? 

My most memorable moment I've had while working at OLW was going on the year 5/6 leadership excursion in 2022. It was incredible to witness students confront their fears and participate in activities they initially found daunting and challenging. I was moved by the support and encouragement they showed each other, especially when other students needed it most.

What are you passionate about? 

I am passionate about creating safe environments for students to learn, grow and flourish. I think it's incredibly important to first make sure that school is a sanctuary where children feel empowered to express themselves freely, seek support and receive encouragement. I believe this creates the perfect environment to foster a love for learning and paves the way for them to become lifelong learners.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, spending time outside – whether this be at the beach or hiking.


Ann Daunt

What is your role at the school and how long have you been a part of the team/OLW?

My role is the School Support Officer. I have worked at OLW for 24 years.

What do you love most about your job? 

I love building sustainable positive relationships with the school community. Seeing the students every day is rewarding in itself.

What do you enjoy the most about working at OLW? What makes our school community special to you? 

This school community is like family to me. I love the daily challenges and successes. When I needed support, OLW was there for myself and my family. The care and love they provide is what makes this school so special. You're never alone.

Can you share a memorable moment/experience you have had while working at OLW? 

My most memorable moments are meeting students who find school difficult and with care and support, I then have the privilege of watching them graduate and follow their dreams.

What are you passionate about? 

My family, my job, Suicide Prevention and protecting our ecosystems and wildlife.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

I volunteer for Bush Heritage, fundraise for Beyond Blue and I love going off-grid camping.


Elizabeth Miller

What is your role at the school and how long have you been a part of the team/OLW?

I am the Guidance Counsellor and have been at OLW for 4 years.

What do you love most about your job? 

I love the students! I love the opportunity to help and support students with their social/emotional wellbeing and development, and to be an advocate for them at school!

What do you enjoy the most about working at OLW? What makes our school community special to you? 

I love the fact that OLW is not a large school, so it is easier to get to know each student individually and to build supportive relationships with them. Our school community is special because there is no problem that is too big or too small for us to deal with.

Can you share a memorable moment/experience you have had while working at OLW? 

Being 1 of 3 Elizabeth's in the school!

What are you passionate about? 

I am passionate about positivity! I am a big believer in finding even the smallest experience of positivity in the hardest of days.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

I love sports! My favourites are football - Liverpool FC, NBA - Milwaukee Bucks, NFL - Dallas Cowboys.


Natasha Jones

What is your role at the school and how long have you been a part of the team/OLW?

I am a STIE (Student Teacher Inclusive Education). I began my time at OLW as the PE teacher in 2014.

What do you love most about your job? 

Working with the kids and being a part of their education journey. We have an excellent staff!

What do you enjoy the most about working at OLW? What makes our school community special to you? 

Everyone is very welcoming! I especially enjoy students saying hello as I walk around the school, wanting to stop and have a chat.

Can you share a memorable moment/experience you have had while working at OLW? 

Attending camp will always be a highlight of the year for me. I thoroughly enjoy sharing that experience with the students, whether it was relaxing at the pool party after a long first day, to persisting with circus skills or watching the students work together to problem solve and build a catapult. I will always cherish this time.

What are you passionate about? 

Supporting students to be the best learners they can be, most importantly making learning rich, real and relevant.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

I enjoy reading a good book, going to the beach and time with family.

Kym Daley​

What is your role at the school and how long have you been a part of the team/OLW?

I am the Library School Officer.

What do you love most about your job? 

I love Tuesdays because it is library borrowing day for our whole school. It's a very busy day full of enthusiasm and excitement from all of our students and teachers. It is so wonderful to be able to help the Preps carefully select their books as well as have great conversations with our older readers in year 6 about authors they love and books they recommend we purchase.

What do you enjoy the most about working at OLW? What makes our school community special to you? 

OLW is special to me because of its size. It is a school that makes it easy to get to know all of our students. This is a community that really values connection from teachers to school officers to students. I feel very valued here and I am grateful for that.

Can you share a memorable moment/experience you have had while working at OLW? 

Last year we received a batch of new books in the library from the "Bad Guys" series. Before the library had even opened a group of year 5 boys spotted these new books through the window. They were so excited and raced over to wait for the library to open for the day. When I let them in, I was greeted with an enormous sense of enthusiasm and gentle demands to not let anyone else borrow these books until their class came for borrowing later that day. It was a wonderful moment to see these boys so passionate about reading.

What are you passionate about? 

I am passionate about listening to our students tell stories about why they love a particular book. It is so important to me to make sure the library is a space for not only for borrowing a book but also for great conversations and for creative stimulation. That might involve books or playing a game of chess or creating some amazing Lego builds or even setting up a display that showcases a particular event.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

I enjoy spending time with my husband and teenage sons. We have great backyard cricket matches as well as some fiercely fought games of UNO.​